2019-2020 Yearbook Order Form

Orders will be taken through July 12, 2019.

Disclaimer: Because we care about the safety of our churches and partners in ministry--nearby and across the globe--by purchasing a yearbook, I agree to guard its contents carefully, and not to sell or distribute contact information without the written consent of the individual.

Shipping Address*

Yearbook Order Detail

Answer Yes or No to the question below and your item and quantity will appear for ordering

Are you a Retired Minister (Discounted)?*

Total Cost

Is your yearbook(s) being shipped to an address in the State of Indiana?*
Are you Indiana State Sales Tax Exempt?*

Product total from above Costs:


IN Sales Tax, those not tax-exempt add 7%


Product Total + 7% tax:


Your yearbook will not be pre-ordered until we receive your State Sales Tax Exemption form (ST-105).

Upload your ST-105 Form:

Form ST-105
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.

If unable to upload your ST-105, email your form to CustomerService@chog.org, or fax it to 765-642-5652.

Provide your Indiana State Sales Tax Exemption Number:


Payment Information

This online form requires a credit card

Card Billing Address*
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